❤¸.•*WaT MaKeS Ur DaY*•.¸❤: cakes~♥

Monday 23 May 2011


adorable purple cake~~

the art of baking cakes..frm my personal experience, seriously...it  needs lots of patience and determination to come out with such an amazing n tasty cake...hmm..baking cakes would be my fav choice to pass the time..though im nt an expertise,yet its much fun when the cakes are still eatable..=)..Its true that an afternoon spent measuring out flour,mixing butter and eggs can be messy..but,its still entertaining..And yap..i do have a specific reason fr liking this field of bakery...the reason seems to be kinda funny fr some ppl..yet i love them coz of it..the smell of the vanilla..that they emit when they are still hot in the oven...the ones you used to get  once u enter the cake house..
Finally,the best part would be serving my family,friends,relatives especially my lil cousins and guests..so,im never gnna give up on this..gotta update myself with better tips on baking cakes..and for sure,im gonna continue baking more n more cakes till i make a perfect one..♥

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